Sunday, November 8, 2009

Send Christmas Cards to Noah

Okay, guys, I don't normally do this. But I am really touched by this story. And, I will admit, I am a big softy. But this story really got to me and I need to pass it on.

My friend and co-worker Jay Powell let me in on this story. Jay's good friend knows a little guy named Noah. Noah is five years old. He is looking forward to Christmas and getting lots and lots and lots of Christmas cards. Noah is in the last stages of neuroblastoma cancer. Nasty stuff and horrible for a little guy to endure.
Noah wants to get lots and lots of Christmas cards. I can totally identify with this. I loved getting Christmas cards when I was a kid. I remember patiently watching out the window for the postman. Then, racing down the driveway to the mailbox to see how many Christmas cards we received that day. I was especially excited to find ones address to ME. That made me feel very important. And I would carry these brightly colored pieces of cardboard around with me wherever I went. (Yes, I was a weird little kid, I know.) These special cards would be dog-eared and crinkled, but they were still highly prized possessions. Someone took the time to let me know they were thinking of me.

If you want to learn a little more about Noah, here is a video. Also a piece about the story on

So, if you have a few minutes, drop him a card. Doesn't have to be fancy, can be one from last year, even. I think it would be great for him to get cards from all over the world. Let's give Noah a great Christmas. Hopefully, if a miracle happens, one he will remember for a long, long time.

This is Noah's address: Noah Biorkman, 1141 Fountain View Circle, South Lyon, MI 48178

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