A couple a weeks ago, we had a few visitors at our pond at Southeastway Park. They were Blue-faced Meadowhawks,
Sympetrum ambiguum, and they were the first ones I had seen at the park. So beautiful! I just love their little blue "noses". At the time I had shot a few pictures, but sadly they all turned out blurry. When my friend John Howard sent me a shot he took in Ohio, I was delighted and knew I needed to share these amazing creatures.
Cool. I have never spent any time trying to distinguish between different species of meadowhawks, but the White-faced Meadowhawk and Blue-faced Meadowhawk sure seem like they would be easy to identify, if you can get a look at the insect head on. Thanks for giving me incentive to spend more time trying to learn these interesting dragonflies!
What a very cool Meadowhawk!
This is a beautiful dragon. We do not get this species here in Massachusetts.
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