Yellow Lady Slipper
Wow! I can't believe tomorrow is January 1st. And, yours truly will be another year older- and wiser, I hope. 2008 was a tremendous year for me and I believe 2009 will be just as exciting!

Little Floating Bladderwort

I thought I would end the year with a big thank you to all my co-workers, friends and family. I think you all truly helped make this a great year. I witnessed so many cool things. Life birds, plants, insects, butterflies, dragonflies and with such great company. I think every outing I went on was a blast. I honestly cannot remember a trip that stunk. Even the ones I struck out on what I was looking for. The company always made up for it. Simple hikes on the property, to out and out quests for rarities, all have been great!

At first I thought I would list everyone, but I am so terrible at remembering, I would surely forget someone, and I wouldn't want to do that. But you all know who I have been out exploring with. So, here it is:
Thank You!! Thank You!!!Thank You!!! Thanks a million!!!

Two special honorable mentions- One to my sister, Joyce. She has put up with muddy boots, help me wash mud encrusted pants and Keen's, and encouraged my exploring. The other, to my brother, Charles for getting me the awesome camera to help me capture many of these images. Thank you so much!
Happy New Year, Everyone!!!!

Yellow-fringed Orchid

Thanks for doing the blog and going birding with me in 2008. Hopefully, there will be more fun adventures in 2009. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Janet! Thanks for taking all of us along on your explorations via your blog. May there be many happy trails ahead in '09.
Janet, I've enjoyed browsing through your blog this morning. I live in Noblesville and love blogging my adventures with nature too.
Thanks Don and Tricia for the birthday wishes. I look forward to getting out in the field with you in the near future!
Thanks Robin for your comments. I checked out your blog, as well. Wow, some really beautiful bird and flower pics. You must enjoy the new camera and are probably itching to get out with it in the spring!
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