I was invited to the pre-trip scouting the day prior. Wow! Both days we saw some amazing things. I was able to see many life plants, ones I have never seen before. Many of the plants were rare to Indiana and only found in limited locations. Plus, I was in great company with some of the best botanists and naturalists around! See Jim McCormac's post for a pic of the crew and better photos of the plants. He has a set of awesome macrolenses for his camera and can take some great photos with those.

A plant I was super-psyched to see was Bog Yellow-eyed Grass, Xyris difformis. I had a list of plants we might see, and the week before the trip I looked them up so I would recognize some of them. I really wanted to see this one. A minute yellow flower on a slender stem. Of course, none of my pictures turned out. But here is a website that has a great picture of this lovely little plant.

Another beauty we encountered had gorgeous flowers and equally interesting seedheads. Virginia Meadow-beauty, Rhexia virginica, has fuschia blossoms contrasted with bright yellow anthers. The seedheads, also called calyces, look like tiny urns. Jim McCormac remarked that elves might drink from them. I didn't check his breath to see if he had taken a nip himself! :)
I don't have room to post all the many plants we encountered. I probably easily viewed forty or more life plants in the two days we were there, plus saw many others I have only seen on few occasions. This place is a real jewel and I hope you all take a trip to see such a diverse biological gem.

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